Flutter Animated Dialog Box
A pure dart package for showing animated alert box.#flutter #github #devflutter #flutterdev
Flutter Beautiful Popup
A flutter package to help you beautify your app popup, can be used in all platform
Live Demo | Source Code On GitHub
Flutter Peek And Pop
Peek & Pop implementation for Flutter based on the iOS functionality of the same name.
Fancy Flutter Alert Dialog
A flutter Package to show custom alert Dialog,you can choose between two themes 'Fancy' and 'Flat'.
The package is available in fancy_dialog | Source Code
Flutter Popup Menu
A flutter popup menu. Pub enabled. https://pub.dev/packages/popup_menu
This project was writed with pure dart code,which means it's support both iOS and Android.
Rflutter Alert
RFlutter Alert is super customizable and easy-to-use alert / popup dialog library for Flutter. You may create reusable alert styles or add buttons as much as you want with ease. https://ratel.com.tr
- Single line basic alert
- Adding buttons dynamically (as much as you want)
- Predefined beautiful alert styles (success, error, warning, info)
- Reusable alert styles
- Super customizable
- Change animation (fromTop, fromBottom, fromRight, fromLeft, grow, shrink)
- Set animation duration
- Show/hide close button
- Set overlay tap to dismiss
- Assign Title and desc styles
- Change dialog border style