This design is developed for rally purposes and it's not supposed to be used in real operation.
- Install Python(3.7.6)(Don't Forget to Tick Add Path while installing Python)
- Open Terminal and Execute the Following Commands
= > pip install django == 3.0.5
= > pip install django- contrivance- tweaks
= > pip install xhtml2pdf
Download This design Zip folder and prize it
Move to the project folder in Outstation. also, run following Commands
= > makemigrations
= > migrate
= > runserver
Now enter the following URL in Your Cybersurfer Installed On Your Pc
= > http//
CHANGES demand CONTACT US runner
train, You have to give your dispatch and word
= >EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD = ' your dispatch word'
Login to Gmail through host dispatch id in your cybersurfer and open the following link and turn it ON
= > https//