The Online Loan Management System is a simple web application and friendly user, develop in PHP MySQL, using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Modal, Ajax, and Bootstrap. This system contains admin to manage data entry, the admin can add staff to monitor applications, delete updates, check loan interest, and check loan types.
Features of Online Loan Management System in PHP
- Manage Loans
- View and Payment
- Borrower Management
- Loan Plant
- Loan Type
- User Management
How To Run??
Above all, to run this project you must have installed a virtual server i.e XAMPP on your PC. Online Loan Management System in PHP and MySQL with source code is free to download, Use for educational purposes only!
Follow the following steps after Starting Apache and MySQL in XAMPP:
- Firstly, Extract the file
- After that, Copy the main project folder
- So, you need to Paste in xampp/htdocs/
- So, for now, Open a browser and go to the URL “http://localhost/phpmyadmin/”
- After that, Click on the databases tab
- So, Create a database naming “loan_db, and then click on the import tab
- Certainly, Click on browse file and select “loan_db.sql” file which is inside the “db” folder
- Meanwhile, click on the Go button.
- Moreover, Open a browser and go to the URL “http://localhost/Loan_Management_System”
Username: admin
Password: admin123